Good indoor climate: 10 plants that are suitable for the bedroom

The bedroom is the place to rest after an active day. Here everything should contribute to a deep and peaceful sleep, including the houseplants. Your selection should be treated with special care, as some species can affect health . Plants influence the air quality and can therefore have a positive or negative impact on your sleep quality. Here we give you tips on what to look for when choosing plants and tell you which plants are best suited for the bedroom.

Plants for the bedroom: How carbon dioxide affects sleep
Plants for the bedroom, according to Nasa, air-purifying speciesView in gallery

Houseplants can do more than just add shelves. You can also boost your mood, promote your creativity, reduce your stress, improve your concentration, create calm, maintain the humidity in the room, produce oxygen and filter air pollutants naturally. You could say that they are real all-rounders. Despite the positive advantages that houseplants offer, opinions differ as to whether you should have plants in the bedroom. Some people believe it could be harmful to health because plants breathe just like us and emit carbon dioxide at night as part of photosynthesis. A high carbon dioxide content in the indoor air can also lead to unusually high CO2 concentrations in the blood. Your body responds by increasing your breathing rate, to get more oxygen. This takes the form of short, quick breaths and light panting. The change in your breathing pattern and the associated activity disturbs your sleep. Although carbon dioxide is relatively harmless in small amounts, it is best to choose plants that produce oxygen at night instead of carbon dioxide.

Which plants ensure a healthy indoor climate
Bow hemp plant healthy air purifying releases oxygenView in gallery

Houseplants actually improve indoor air quality. Dry indoor air is blamed for a variety of ailments such as breathing problems, sore throat, colds and even outbreaks. Houseplants help maintain and, in some cases, increase humidity by releasing water vapor during transpiration. In addition to oxygen and moisture, plants also produce negative ions, similar to many air purification machines. The negative ions attach to air particles such as dust, mold spores, bacteria and allergens and effectively remove them. The presence of negative ions has also been shown to increase mental health, productivity and overall well-being.

Why are plants for the bedroom not recommended according to Feng Shui?
Plants for the bedroom according to NASA filter the pollutants in the airView in gallery

There is a lot of debate about whether plants in the bedroom are good or bad according to Feng Shui. The classic teaching says that plants are not suitable for the bedroom. The bedroom should serve one purpose, namely to give rest and relaxation. Plants have a strong and vibrant energy of growth and movement - yang energy - which is not the feng shui energy recommended for the bedroom.

Plants belong to the wooden elements, which means that their focus is on the upward movement. Sleep is a yin event in which the energy flows down and brings the body to rest. There are many great places in your home where, according to Feng Shui, you can plant lush, vibrant plants - like the eastern and southeastern areas of Bagua. However, this does not apply to the bedroom.

Green lily plant healthy for the bedroom purifies the airView in gallery

If you don't furnish your bedroom according to the rules of Feng Shui, then you don't have to do without green. A small or medium-sized plant in a corner will not affect your sleeping habits or air quality. If your bedroom is large, a single palm tree or other large plant also fits perfectly .

When choosing houseplants for the bedroom, you need to consider the following:

- It is necessary to get all information about the plant, ie whether it releases oxygen at night or needs special care.
- In this room, you should rather do without exotic, highly fragrant ornamental plants.
- If you have little natural light in your bedroom, you should choose shade-tolerant and easy-care houseplants.
- Slow growing plants are also a good choice so that their energy does not disturb the calm atmosphere in the bedroom.
- There should be no dying, sick, and neglected plants in your bedroom. Beautiful and healthy flowers are believed to increase positive energy in the home.
- You should also not have plants with needles in the bedroom. The owners will also be prickly and unassailable.
- Plants that promote the feeling of love and mutual understanding should be preferred. This includes leaves and flowers with red and pink color. Colorful houseplants like the king begonia (Begonia rex) are real eye-catchers.
- If you have pets like cats and dogs, keep in mind that many of these plants can be poisonous to them.

Best plants for the bedroom Fern doesn't need much lightView in gallery

Too many plants can affect humidity and promote mold growth. You can prevent this by draining the water into the bowl and regularly removing excess water. Only water when the substrate surface looks dry and powdery.

Plant for dark bedroom healthy gold fruit palmView in gallery

The most popular plants for the bedroom according to NASA

As early as 1989, NASA compiled a list of the best air purifying plants. Here are 10 types that are ideal for the bedroom.

1. Gold fruit palm (Dypsis lutescens) : The Malagasy Areca palm is a strong air-purifying plant. The researchers say this houseplant is ideal for anyone suffering from colds and sinus problems as it increases humidity. This in turn makes breathing easier, so that sinusitis can be alleviated.

Aloe vera plant for the bedroom, healthy air purifyingView in gallery

2. Aloe Vera: The aloe vera plant is easy to maintain and has many positive properties for health . It has been named one of the best plants for air purification by NASA. Why? It continuously releases oxygen during the night and thus ensures a good indoor climate. It also absorbs benzene (found in laundry detergents and plastics) and formaldehyde (found in paints and floor paints), which keeps the air super clean.

English ivy ideal for the bedroom, according to NASAView in gallery

3. Common ivy (Hedera helix) : The ivy, which is usually associated with facade greening, is ideal for the bedroom. Scientists from the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology found that ivy can absorb 78 percent of the mold from the air in just 12 hours.

4. Dwarf Date Palm (Phoenix roebelenii) : This plant is hardy, drought tolerant and long-lived. It is ideally suited to absorb pollutants from the air - especially xylene.

Plants for the bedroom Sword ferns in white pots on the wallView in gallery

5. Sword fern (Nephrolepis exaltata): This attractive plant has always graced our homes - and for good reason. The sword fern is one of the particularly good detoxifying plants because it binds considerable amounts of formaldehyde.

6. Piston thread (Aglaonema): This is an easy- care leafy ornamental plant . The piston thread grows well even in low light and in areas where other plants do not grow (such as in a dark, cold bedroom).

Best plant for the bedroom Spathiphyllum sheath leaf, leaf flag, single leaf or even peace lilyView in gallery

7. Peace lily (Spathiphyllum): This beautiful plant can purify the air and improve the air quality by 60%. It also absorbs mold spores through its leaves.

8. Green lily (Chlorophytum comosum): This houseplant grows very quickly and can absorb up to 90 percent of the toxins from the air in your bedroom in just two days. It is particularly suitable for people with dust allergies.

Green lily plant in a clay pot in the bedroom next to bedView in gallery

9. Holly (Rhapis excelsa): This houseplant is one of the most effective plants for cleaning the air of formaldehyde, ammonia, xylene and toluene. The stick palm prefers a light to half-shady location at cooler temperatures of 15 - 20 ° C. So perfect for a cold bedroom.

10.  Birch fig (Ficus benjamina): This houseplant prefers a bright location and high humidity. In between you should spray them with water that is not too calcareous. The birch fig removes formaldehyde, benzene and trichlorethylene from the air.

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