The best private balcony design blends beauty with strength.
When planned and constructed well, private balcony design can be an enjoyable and valuable addition to a home. The structure must be strong enough to support its own weight as well as the weight of people and any balcony decorations or furnishings. The home balcony design should blend in with the structural and architectural components of the home’s exterior.
The best private balcony design suits both the established architectural design of the building and the tastes of the builder or homeowner.
Private balcony design may consist of railings situated closer together, to provide privacy from passers-by. Balcony decor, such as rolling bamboo blinds or awnings afford privacy and block unsightly views of the neighborhood or yard. Balcony materials like tall evergreen plants or clay chimnea fire pots lend a cozy, welcoming ambiance.
The private balcony must also abide by established building codes. Most municipalities regulate the construction of balconies, although these regulations vary greatly amongst countries, states and provinces, and local jurisdictions. Building codes may require that a balcony sit a certain height on a wall, protrude a certain length from an exterior wall, and include a certain height for railings. Building codes exist to ensure that a private balcony is safe as well as seemly, and code inspectors are usually a great source for helpful information on balcony care and maintenance.
The private balcony is considered an outdoor living space and should be designed with this concept in mind. Private balcony design can be considered a tiny refuge of repose from the hectic pace of work and home. Balconies are not suited to hold great quantities of weight, and should not be designed to house cabinets, heavy furniture, shelving or storage materials. The best private balconies are sparse, housing a few delicate pieces of patio furniture, plants and lightweight decor items like candles or statuettes.
Private Balcony
Tags: architectural components, architectural design, awnings, balconies, balcony decor, balcony design, balcony gallery, bamboo blinds, beautiful view, clay chimnea, code inspectors, design blends, design ideas, evergreen plants, fire pots, great source, private balcony, private balcony design collections, private balcony design gallery, private balcony design ideas, private balcony design images, private balcony design inspirations, private balcony design models, private balcony design photos, private balcony design pictures, private balcony designs, railings, sunset viewThe post Create the Perfect Private Balcony Design which Can Be enjoyable and Valuable Addition to Home appeared first on Home Garden Decor.
by Ayah Shita via Home Garden Decor
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