The trick to choosing furniture for a small living room is to maximize space while minimizing the impact the furnishings have on the room.
This means that instead of stuffing in an oversized couch and a love seat, the room might only have a love seat and a smaller side chair for sitting. In addition, side tables should be enclosed so that they can be used for storage, and bric-a-brac should be kept to a minimum.
The Right Furniture for a Small Living Room
When a home has a small living room, every inch counts. The furniture for a small living room should be scaled down to size. If a living room is overcrowded with furniture, the room will feel even smaller. Picking out scaled-down furniture that leaves as much open space on the floor as possible is essential when choosing furniture for any small room. Any floor decorations, such as large vases or potted plants, should be pulled from the floor, placed on shelves, put in another room, or donated to a favorite charity.
Furniture for a small living room can include small tables. The best bet is to purchase tables that can also be used to store books or magazines. In addition to enclosed living room tables, one should choose an entertainment center that not only has doors so that CDs and DVDs can be stored inside, but is designed to sit in a corner rather in the middle of a wall. This will give much-needed storage space, and this type of entertainment center will give the room an airier feel.
Even if the furniture for a small living room is scaled to size, the colors that are used on the walls and furniture, as well as the lighting used, can affect the feeling of a room. Dark colors and brightly colored, patterned wallpaper tend to make a room feel smaller than it really is. In addition, a room that is not brightly lit may feel a tad claustrophobic. Another idea is to use sheer curtains over windows to admit as much natural light as possible.
An empty wall can be a bonanza for a small living room. A strategically placed large mirror in a small living room can add more light and give the room more of a feeling of depth and space. The mirror can also be used to reflect an attractive feature of the room such as a pretty garden view through the window or a favorite piece of artwork.
Furniture For A Small Living Room
Tags: bonanza for a small living room, choosing furniture for a small living room, furniture for a small living room, furniture for any small room, make a room feel smaller, small living room, Small Living Room FurnitureThe post Tips when Buying Furniture for a Small Living Room appeared first on Tina 4 Home Design.
by Reisya Nashita via Tina 4 Home Design
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